The Bread Sister of Sinking Creek

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780064403573

Seven generations of Callahan women have possessed the family secret. And now Maggie"s time has come.Maggie Callahan can hardly wait to see her beloved Aunt Franny again. But when she finally arrives at the cabin in the wilds of western Pennsylvania, it"s completely deserted. Aunt Franny and Uncle Thomas have pulled up stakes and headed for the Ohio Valley. Maggie"s two hundred miles and fourteen days of hard travel have been all for nothing. Faced with surviving the fierce frontier winter alone, Maggie is forced to hire herself out to the grim, bitter Mrs. McGrew. But Maggie"s a Callahan, and that means she possesses a precious family secret. Kept in the pouch she wears around her neck is spook yeast for making the finest bread ever baked in the valley surrounding Sinking Creek. And her aunt"s wise words, "Bring your troubles to the bread, Maggie," help her begin to see that there"s more magic in the yeast and more strength within herself than Maggie ever dreamed.