More Forbidden Knowledge: 101 New Things NOT Everyone Should Know How to Do
Adrenaline junkies took to the first edition like a Molotov cocktail to an empty car, and now we’re back with the eyebrow singeing, nerve-shaking, possible assault-charge causing, second round of forbidden knowledge. Where its predecessor pushed the limits and put the pedal to the metal, this followup explodes through boundaries and sets the reader in a tailspin of danger, temptation, and fun. Inside this edgy four-color self-destruction manual, you will learn how to: Become a mercenary; Amputate a limb; Summon a demon; Pass a drug test; Kite checks; and more. Certain to cause some laughs, scrapes, burns, and scarring—emotional and physical—this book packs twice the punch, kick, and fun.