Spike and Cubby"s Ice Cream Island Adventure

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805069105

The great giant ice cream cone was visible across Torch Lake. In the distance, Ice Cream Island sparkled, so new and shiny, so beautiful and pink. A dogs-at-sea adventure filled with turbulence, friendship, and plenty of ice cream! Spike and Cubby are the best of friends. They are also a working dog team: Cubby is a writer with no time for interruptions, and Spike"s an illustrator with a knack for distracting. But when the distraction is the amazing Ice Cream Island-specializing in Spumoni Baloney Grande-what dog can resist? This playful adventure proves that friendship can weather more than a bit of rough-and-tumble, and especially that a little distraction (and a yummy treat) can lead to inspiration.