Christianity Always Progressive, Being The Christian Advocate"s Publication

Price 24.27 - 25.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408654439

Brand Read Books

I VENTURE to address this work to your Lordship, because I am anxious to record my gratitude for the kind interest which you have taken in it, and to enjoy the privilege of thus publicly connecting my name with one which, wherever it is known, is revered and beloved. Let me trust that your Lord ship will pardon my boldness, in taking this liberty ithbut yopuerr mission. That your Lordships life may be prolonged for very many years, in renovated health and strength, is a prayer which, in common with all who have the happiness of knowing you, I breathe from the bottom of my heart. Nor is that prayer uttered under the influence of private feelings alone, but in the certainty, that, whatever portion of years and of strength it may please the Almighty Disposer of events to bestow on you, all those years, and all that strength will be consecrated to promoting His cause on earth, and employed in rendering to His Church all the service which can be rendered by lofty and uncompromising principle, by piety and by learning. I have the honour to be, My Lord, With the utmost respect, Your Lordships obliged servant, Ca-e, Dec. 11, 1829. . . . V l l l Mankind. I have found too, just as the work was coming from the press, that Dr. Chandler has treated of a part of the subject in his Bampton Lectures, and have been able, in the latter part of the notes, to make a few references to his work. The reader will find in the Notes an abstract of the answers usually given to the oljection to Christianity, on the ground of its want of universality.