Transforming Library Service through Information Commons
Price 60.00 - 60.12 USD
The Information Commons (IC) strives to unite all the facts and figures of the world into a resource available to everyone. Many academic libraries are considering implementing an information commons model that reflects the contemporary way patrons use resources. Others plan on revitalizing their libraries through configurations that easily integrate research, teaching, and learning with a digital focus. This invaluable guide provides the how-to information necessary for institutions considering the development of an information commons. Offering plain-speaking advice on what works, expert authors Bailey and Tierney provide comprehensive case studies from small and large academic libraries to help librarians implement, provide training for, market, and assess an information commons. Each of the 20 case studies details * Lessons learned through the successes and mistakes of building an IC * Summary Data Charts for each library including annual budget and number of patrons * Common properties and characteristics of ICs across the nation, including staff needs * Physical descriptions, photos, and sample brand and graphics from other ICs Readers will learn the historical context for Information Commons and understand what practicalities need to be part of the planning process. Academic, public, and school librarians who are considering an IC or are looking for ways to improve their IC will find a wealth of information here.