Ezekiel, 1-20: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary (Anchor Bible, Vol. 22)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780385009546

Brand Anchor Bible

Ezekiel, 1-20, is Volume 22 in the Anchor Bible series of new, book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha. This is the first of two volumes on the prophetic book of Ezekiel. It includes: A new translation of the book, followed by textual notes that give readings from such ancient translations as the Greek and the Syrian and from medieval Hebrew manuscripts. Sections titled "Comment," offering clarification of grammar, context, and other details, and "Structure and Themes," a more general literary discussion following each section of translation. Adherence to the Masoretic (traditional Hebrew) text and extensive use of Rabbinic literature. A holistic interpretation showing how many features of the text are interwoven and integrated.