Crisis Communications
How to Anticipate & Plan For, React To, and Communicate During a Crisis Five Step Management Process, Checklists, Best Practices For Government & Corporate Leaders Crisis planning and communications is an integral part of good management practice. By anticipating potential problem areas, identifying solutions and being prepared you instantly remove a lot of the confusion and anxiety when a crisis does occur. If people know what to do, they can get on with performing their designated tasks immediately and, as a team, tackle the problem and get back to normal as quickly as possible. Every company and organization could one day find itself facing a crisis, and how it is handled in the first minutes and hours is crucial. If handled well, you can manage the crisis, and the purpose of this book is to assist you in that process. This handbook consists of an easy-to-follow five-step process that covers everything you need to know for successful crisis communications and issues management. The book is packed with cases studies, best practices, useful tips and checklists and real-life examples of critical do"s and don"ts. Crisis management and communications is all about being ready. This book is your essential first step in being prepared.For more details, visit