Study Guide to Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry: Based on the American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780880488426

This "Study Guide" is the quintessential companion volume to the "Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry" for students both at the undergraduate and graduate level. It gives readers the opportunity to evaluate and enhance their understanding of the principles and topics presented in the "Essentials."It includes: Theoretical foundations, assessment issues, psychiatric disorders, psychiatric treatments, and special topics Updated questions to reflect recent developments in the field-overall 95% of the questions are new From 10 to 30 questions per chapter, with more questions on key topics, such as mood disorders, psychopharmacology, and child and adolescent disorders, for adequate coverage of lengthy chapters Detailed answers to each question, so the reader can learn about the subject without returning to the referenced book This indispensable guide will be especially useful for medical students and residents as well as psychiatrists and neurologists who are preparing for specialty board examinations.