Acute Paediatrics
While there are many general paediatrics textbooks and an even larger number of monographs on specific childhood diseases, there has been no practical guide to the immediate management of paediatric emergencies. This book is designed to provide the busy junior doctor--at the front door of the hospital--with enough information to make instant decisions and carry out essential procedures required for stabilisation, before the child is transferred to a specialist or a ward. Most important, Acute Paediatrics is based on the agreed neonatal and paediatric emergency protocols from Europe"s largest children"s hospital, Alder Hey in Liverpool. As such, it contains the distilled wisdom of a great many paediatricians and neonatologists. Everything in this book serves to provide an instant (and pocket-sized) source of practical information when and where it is required. The material is written in clear and condensed form, accompanied by tables, lists, simple diagrams, flowcharts and action points, and is divided into two parts; Neonatal Emergencies and Paediatric Emergencies, each of which consists of three subsections: Presentations (signs and symptoms), Conditions (diagnoses) and Skills (specific procedures and techniques).