Flights Of Adventure

Price 14.17 - 16.41 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781935254171

Who hasn’t daydreamed of soaring above a South American rainforest, landing a float plane on a pristine Alaskan lake, or piloting a commercial airliner? Flights of Adventure introduces the exciting, often harrowing, lifestyles of stunt pilots, fighter pilots, wing walkers, and men and women who brave the elements in the most barren places on the planet. Wingwalker Carol Pilon routinely steps out of an airplane 1200 feet above the ground, exposed to 160 mph winds. Tom Holton faces a life or death decision while flying over a remote Peruvian town. Should he crash into the jungle canopy or ditch the plane into the Amazon River and risk death by piranha, crocodiles, or drowning? Marion Hodgson, one of the first women in the WASP program during WWII, describes winning her wings and coping with men who didn’t believe women should fly. Paul Derocher explores the bitter cold of Antarctica, flying scientific expeditions into the most inhospitable place on earth. Ken Larson introduces Golma, a heroic airplane in the east African desert. The ten stories in this book are touching, humorous, exciting, and often dangerous or miraculous. Flights of Adventure will appeal to aviation fans and armchair travelers across the globe. Flights of Adventure is a collection of real-life adventures to stir the blood of anyone who loves aviation. This book covers a wide variety of experiences, from wingwalking to notable female pilots like Marion Hogsdon, who changed the history of women forever. This is as close as you can get to experiencing aerial adventure while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground.