Designing Addressing Architectures for Routing and Switching (MacMillan Network Architecture & Development)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 619472700594, 9781578700592

The Address Book provides a systematic methodology for planning the wide area and local area network streets on which users and servers live. It guides the network designer in developing rational systems that are flexible and maintain a high level of service. The book strengthens the reader"s professional abilities, imparting a system and taxonomy for building networks that meet user requirements. This book is intended for people who are--or want to be--responsible for building large networks. It includes practical examples, configuration guides, case studies, tips, and warnings, and is written in an open and friendly style. The Table of Contents includes: Part 1: Why Address; Part II: Foundation of Networking Addressing; Part III: Drawing the Network Architecture; Part IV: Implementing Network Addressing; and Part V: Integration and the Future.