The British Homoeopathic Review (Volume 35)
Price 40.32 - 40.36 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1891. Excerpt: ... appoint a committee to consider the arrangements, and he therefore proposed that they appoint a similar committee on the present occasion. If he might be permitted to do so, he would nominate Drs. Dudgeon, of London, Pope, of Grantham, Hayward, of Liverpool, and Clifton, of Northampton, to co-operate with himself in carrying out the necessary arrangements. Dr. Dyce-bbown seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried. Dr. Hughes also placed on the table some views of the homoeopathic institutions in New York, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia, for the inspection of the members. The Congress, at the end of the general business, proceeded with the discussion of Dr. Burford"s paper, of which we propose to give a report next month. The discussion having terminated, Dr. Robekson Dat read a paper on " The Supervision of Normal Parturition." This, with the discussion that followed, we shall publish nest month. At the close of the discussion, tea was kindly served in the dining room by the lady-superintendent and assistants. After this much appreciated refreshment, Dr. Murray Moore read a paper, entitled " Notes on the Climatology and Prevalent Diseases of New Zealand," illustrating it by specially prepared maps. This, together with the discussion upon it, we hope to publish in a future number. The debate having concluded, a hearty vote of thanks was presented to the President, and the members separated to re-assemble at The Dinner, which took place at the Holborn Restaurant. There was an exceptionally large company, including, in addition to those attending the meetings of the Congress, Dr. Priestley, Mr. Hurndall, Mr. G. A. Ross, Mr. Edwyn L. Pope, and others, whose names we were unable to obtain, together with a number of ladies were present. The chair was taken by...