SAN Arginine Supreme, 100 Count

Price 19.99 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 672898700159

Brand San

Arginine is a conditionally nonessential amino acid, meaning most of the time it can be manufactured by the human body or by consuming protein and does not need to be obtained directly through the diet. The biosynthetic pathway however does not produce sufficient arginine and some must still be consumed through diet. Individuals who have poor nutrition or have an interest of gaining muscle via certain physical conditions may be advised to increase their intake of foods containing arginine. SAN"s arginine supreme contains 800mg of arginine per 1 caplet. Research has shown that supplementation of arginine such as with the one contained in arginine supreme assists with increased protein synthesis, helps to decrease protein catabolism and supports healthy insulin maintenance thus assisting the uptake of amino acids and glucose into the muscle cells. Arginine supreme"s anabolic potential makes it a must for all athletes desiring to increase muscle mass while shortening workout recovery time.