Readings in the Mother by Sri Aurobindo

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781608691500

Brand Lotus Light

Sri Aurobindo"s Book The Mother Is A Highly Concentrated And Powerful Guide ToSpirituality And Yoga. Consisting Of Just Six Chapters, It Provides InspirationAnd Direction Of The Highest Order And For Many It Acts As A Lifelong CompanionOn The Journey. The Sixth Chapter, Which Describes The Four Powers Of TheMother Is Frequently Called The Matri Upanishad And Can Rightfully Take ItsPlace With Those More Ancient Inspired Tets. In Indian Philosophy, The MotherRepresents Shakti, The Power And Energy Of Creation. Santosh Krinsky Has BeenStudying The Work Of Sri Aurobindo For Over 40 Years. He Brings His ExperienceAnd Insights To Bear On The Significance Of This Short, But Significant, Book.