Skills for preschool teachers

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780675082839

Brand Merrill

Built around the 13 functional areas of the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, this book is packed with the information future teachers need, whether they will teach in a preschool, child care center, Head Start program, or pre-Kindergarten setting. All of the basic classroom skills are covered, bolstered by a theoretical background and accompanied by practical ideas for applying book concepts with young children and families. Topics emphasize ways to create a calm and happy classroom atmosphere, how to handle emergencies in a way that dissipates children"s fears, strategies for supporting children"s mental and emotional health, and ideas for helping children cope with traumas in their life. Includes discussions of new picture books; more than 200 children"s books; computer programs that support text-recommended hands-on activities; cultural influences on children; and expanded discussion of the ways children make friends. For practicing teachers, administrators, or volunteers seeking CDA certification.