The Amateur Cracksman - The Original Classic Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781743473672

Brand tebbo

The Amateur Cracksman by E. W. Hornung - The Original Classic Edition Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, after many years, back in print. This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: Because he had been kind to me at school, when he was captain of the eleven, and I his fag, I had dared to look for kindness from him now; because I was ruined, and he rich enough to play cricket all the summer, and do nothing for the rest of the year, I had fatuously counted on his mercy, his sympathy, his help! ...We crept very gingerly down the stairs, which creaked a bit in spite of us, and we picked up our shoes in the passage; then down some narrow stone steps, at the foot of which Raffles showed his light, and put on his shoes once more, bidding me do the same in a rather louder tone than he had permitted himself to employ overhead. ...The noises that even I could hear below, with the exception of one metallic crash at the beginning, were indeed incredibly slight; but they ceased altogether at each double rap from my toe; and a policeman passed quite half a dozen times beneath my eyes, and the man whom I took to be the jeweller"s watchman oftener still, during the better part of an hour that I spent at the window. ...Yet it would be very awkward if anything went wrong; one might use it, and that"s not the game at all, though I have often thought that the murderer who has just done the trick must have great sensations before things get too hot for him. ...To be quite frank, I have had them on my conscience for some time; one couldn"t hear so much of the man, and his prize-fighter, and his diamonds, without feeling it a kind of duty to have a go for them; but when it comes to brandishing a revolver and practically challenging the world, the thing becomes inevitable.