The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos (Volume 10 of The Holocaust: Selected Documents in 18 Volumes) (Holocaust Series)

Price 61.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781616190101

Mendelsohn, John and Donald S. Detwiler, Editors The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1982. xvii, 250 pp. 8-1/2" x 11". Reprinted 2010 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781616190101. Hardcover. New. $65. * Volume 10, The Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes. Introduction by Professor Willard A. Fletcher, History Department, University of Delaware. Soviet Jews were executed by gassing vehicles or by shooting in groups ranging from a few individuals to thousands of men, women and children. The perpetrators of these mass murders, who allegedly killed a million people following the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, were organized in four special task forces called Einsatzgruppen. Some of the major activities documented in this volume are the mass killings at Babi Yar near Kiev, the Christmas massacre at Simferopol, attempts to destroy all traces of the executions by exhuming and burning the bodies, as well as the disguising of the killings as anti-partisan activities. Descriptions of the killings generally stem from those who committed the crimes. Contains 32 documents of source materials, carefully chosen from the thousands preserved at the U.S. National Archives. A detailed table of contents lists and provides the source for each document. The volumes in the series are grouped topically: PLANNING AND PREPARATION 1. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Early Phase, 1933-1939 2. Legalizing the Holocaust: The Later Phase, 1939-1943 3. The Crystal Night Pogrom 4. Propaganda and Aryanization, 1938-1944 5. Jewish Emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 1938 6. Jewish Emigration 1938-1940: Rublee Negotiations and the Intergovernmental Committee 7. Jewish Emigration: The S.S. St. Louis Affair and Other Cases THE KILLING OF THE JEWS 8. Deportation of the Jews to the East: Stettin, 1940, to Hungary, 1944 9. Medical Experiments on Jewish Inmates of Concentration Camps 10. The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos 11. The Wannsee Protocol and a 1944 Report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services 12. The "Final Solution" in the Extermination Camps and the Aftermath 13. The Judicial System and the Jews in Nazi Germany RESCUE ATTEMPTS 14. Relief and Rescue of Jews from Nazi Oppression, 1943-1945 15. Relief in Hungary and the Failure of the Joel Brand Mission 16. Rescue to Switzerland: The Musy and Saly Mayer Affairs PUNISHMENT 17. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Brandt, Pohl, and Ohlendorf Cases 18. Punishing the Perpetrators of the Holocaust: The Ohlendorf and von Weizsaecker Cases Also available as a complete set for $1,195.