AntiBase 2008 Upgrade

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783527318940

Antibase 2008 is a comprehensive database of 34,400 natural compounds from micro-organisms and higher fungi. The data in AntiBase have been collected from the primary and secondary literature and then carefully checked and validated. AntiBase includes descriptive data (molecular formula and mass, elemental composition, CAS registry number); physico-chemical data (melting point, optical rotation); spectroscopic data (UV, 13C-NMR, IR and mass spectra); biological data (pharmacological activity, toxicity); information on origin and isolation and a summary of literature sources A unique feature of AntiBase is the use of predicted 13C-NMR spectra for those compounds where no measured spectra are available. These spectra have been produced using the spectrum prediction program SpecInfo. Calculated high resolution molecular masses are included in the new update