The Science of God

Price 18.58 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781413470758

World events have led several agencies within the U.S. to investigate the bizarre success of Joshua Fredericksen and his company, International Diplomacy, while Israel"s Mossad works covertly to destroy Joshua"s reputation. Time is running out for civilization as we know it, and the Prime Minister of Israel, David, appears to have lost the support of his many followers when his unusual and often flamboyant style takes a troubling turn. The world has dealt with nuclear, biological and chemical threats, and now, a series of events pits man against one more global threat. Can mankind seize an opportunity save itself? And what would failure bring? Life on this tiny planet, revolving around one star among countless stars, within a galaxy that shares the universe with countless galaxies, has produced sentient beings, thought capable of guiding their own destiny. Until today.