These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruins
HERMETIC SCIENCE mainly uses percussion instruments such as vibraphone or marimbas to create a sonic universe of its own. This Californian band"s music remains however faithful to the spirit of original Progressive rock, and that is no surprise: the leader Edward MACAN (Keyboards & percussions) is a true fount of knowledge in this matter, author of several landmark books about this. His group recorded three studio albums and a compilation during a decade of activity. Now based on a trio formula, so dear to idols like EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER, HERMETIC SCIENCE is completed by Jason HOOPES (Bass & guitar) and Angelique CURRY (Drums & percussions). The fourth opus "These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruins" (2008) is released today by the Musea label. Two long epics lasting 15 and 10 minutes, three intermediate tracks, plus two interludes compose this new monument. Note also that the item benefits from superb illustrations signed by Paul WHITEHEAD, father of GENESIS sleeves in the great period. Not to be missed !