Meditative Reason (Revisioning Philosophy)
Price 34.15 USD
The development of Meditative Reason is an attempt to articulate a more universal and potent paradigm of human understanding that builds on the long-tested insights and methods of the meditative traditions and on the centuries of discoveries and innovations in the evolution of the rational enterprise. These explorations address a range of issues at the forefront of contemporary research: on the nature of rationality and human understanding, on the essence of language and consciousness, on the dynamics of cultural formation and transformations, on the dynamics of communication and dialogue between diverse cultural, religious and philosophical worlds, on the need to explore the common ground between diverse disciplines or fields, and on the perennial quest to decipher the universal code at the heart of eastern and western thought. These disclosures of Meditative Reason call for a radical revisioning of the evolution of thought and cultural life in a global context.