A NEW Look At Adhd; Inhibition, Time and Self-control

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781572304970

This video provides an accessible introduction to Russell A. Barkley’s influential theory of the nature and origins of ADHD. The program brings to life the conceptual framework delineated in Dr. Barkley’s book ADHD and the Nature of Self-Control. Offering a compelling explanation of how ADHD develops in the individual, the program illuminates the roots of such symptoms as a reduced ability to inhibit one"s behavior, problems with managing time effectively, and lack of foresight. Also demonstrated are concrete ways that our growing understanding of the disorder might facilitate more effective clinical interventions. The companion manual reviews and amplifies key ideas and contains helpful suggestions for further reading. The package also includes a leader’s guide, providing tips on the optimal use of the video with a variety of audiences.