Rain or Shine? (Reading About)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780749641245

Reading About is a multi-level series introducing non-fiction to junior readers, from first concepts to essential subjects within the National Curriculum. The levels in the series are: Beginning to Read, Begin to Read Alone, Read Alone, and Key Subjects (for proficient readers). These two titles are from the Beginning to Read level. They are based on children"s personal early experiences and will aid reading proficiency through the use of short sentences and phrase repetition. Big and Small looks at the idea of big and small through the simple narrative of a day in the park. The book explores the concepts of sizes, changing sizes, relative size and growing up. Rain or Shine? looks at the weather. In addition to giving to examples of familiar types of weather, it explores the concepts of how weather affects plants and animals, how we dress to suit the weather, temperature and seasonal change.