Publications (Volume 3, pt. 2 )
Price 31.08 - 31.39 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1843 Excerpt: ... your Professor of Oriental Tongues at Leyden, from the Bishop of Antioch. Let me hear what is become of that correspondence "twixt these ancient Syrian Churches and Leyden. Send all you can about Bourignianism and the Quietists, and some Protestants in Germany that seem to incline this way. I have directed these inquiries to my brother, and Mr John Erskine and you. I hope you will write frequently. I am sure you have field enough. So, wishing you a safe voyage, comfortable stay, and useful return, I am, yours most sincerely. LETTER XCV. CHURCH MANUSCRIPTS.--SUGGESTIONS. George Ridpath to IVodrow.1 Rev. And Worthy Sir,--I wrote to you some time ago my opinion about your History, which, I doubt not, Colonel Erskine has, according to promise, sent forward. I shall not repeat what was hinted there, but wish you had commenced from the Reformation, for that necessary part of our History has never been well done. Buchanan, Knox, and Calderwood, are very brief and lame on that subject. Petrie gives some good hints, but still imperfect. I have many original papers that set it in a clearer light; such as letters" from Queen Mary and her Ministers, besides some things in print that are very scarce. These, with the MSS., Calderwood"s, and what other helps might be had by your industry, would make the thing as complete as can be expected at this distance of time. I have a MS. of Spotswood History that was the Duke of Lauderdale"s, and differs much from the printed; the interlineations are in the Bishop"s own hand. I have also an authentic copy of the Acts of our General Assemblies from the Reformation to 1609, signed by T. Nicholson, their Clerk, Mr William Scot of Coupar"s MS. History, and many other things which would be great helps. I can also have access to the Lord...