Glutton or epicure

Price 12.26 - 12.30 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230262864

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1899 edition. Excerpt: ... QUARANTINE Note: A paper, read before members of the Unity League and other guests of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Harbert, at Tre-Brah, Williams Bay, Geneva Lake, Wisconsin, in August, 1898. It is pertinent to the subject of this book, but was written when the investigations described herein were just beginning. Progress of Civilization is accelerated by constantly extending systems of individual, moral, social and sanitary quarantine. It is not what man adds, for he can add nothing, but what he prevents, that aids growth. Man creates nothing, but he assists Creation by removing deterrents to growth. Growth is spontaneous, constant and ever stronger if obstructions are removed. Creation does all the growing, but cultivates nothing; the seed falling upon good soil or upon stony waste without other direction than that given by the caprice of the winds. On the other hand, Man is the only cultivator in Nature, and at the same time he can add nothing to growth--to Creation. Visible, or conscious, growth consists of cell building or thought producing. Man never has created a cell, neither has he been able to determine the origin of a thought; yet, he is a necessary factor in evolution and a prime factor in cultivation, which is civilization. Man removes deterrents to growth. Nature "does the rest." Thought and cell creation are spontaneous and are never-ceasing if all obstructions are removed from about them. Civilized man places a quarantine against the enemies of growth, of progress, and of harmony, and thereby promotes civilization. Man is, therefore, the Chief Assistant to Creation, the Architect of Civilization and a Full Partner with Nature in Evolution. This distinction, adequately appreciated, lifts Man above the animal plane and gives him...