Vampires and Volts (Raven Mysteries)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781842556962

Join the wonderfully weird Otherhand family and their faithful guardian, Edgar the raven, and discover the dark secrets of Castle Otherhand. It"s Halloween and the Otherhands are enjoying the Annual Pumpkin Hunt. And there are preparations to be made for the Great Halloween Ball. Minty is all a-fluster. Solstice is busy spraying fake cobwebs everywhere. Valevine is in charge of disorganising everyone"s carefully laid plans, and Cudweed seems hungrier than ever and oddly preoccupied with "fresh brains". In fact when Silas, Valevine"s long lost brother, turns up with Samantha, the Otherhands would be well-advised to check out their guests. It"s not long before wily Edgar works out that there"s a preponderance of vampires and not all of them have false teeth...Dedicated website on Raven Mysteries: