MacLennan Scottish Clan Tea Towel

Price 13.76 - 14.23 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 5055602489116

Brand I Luv LTD

Manufacture I Luv Ltd

Manufacture Country United Kingdom

MacLennan Scottish Clan Tea Towel Scotland"s history is the history of its great families and clans. Most of us like to know a little of how we fit into that. This great range of Clan Tea Towels puts some of the history of our families right into the heart of our homes and they are proudly displayed in kitchens across the globe. Each Clan Tea Towel carries the Clan Name, above a carefully researched Clan Crest with a description of the heraldic devices which make it up and a translation of the Clan Motto. The clan"s genealogical, historical and geographical origins are explained. Other associated clans or family names are also listed. Although made in Scotland, from 100 percent cotton, and therefore ideal for drying tea-cups, chances are this blue and white tartan bordered clan tea towel is far too informative and interesting to ever get wet. A superb and unusual gift for any Scot at home or abroad, with a lovely personal touch as a reminder of family and loved ones.