The Spy Next Door : The Extraordinary Secret Life of Robert Philip Hanssen, the Most Damaging FBI Agent in U.S. History

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781586212506

Robert Hanssen was, by all appearances, the quintessential suburban Dad devoted to his wife and 6 children, working a government job to pay for a four-bedroom, split-level house in a modest neighborhood of suburban Virginia. Deeply religious, he sent his kids to Catholic schools and colleges. He was also, by all appearances, a trusted and loyal FBI agent. For years he had helped the FBI counterintelligence team track and protect against Russian spies. He helped the FBI set up its computer networks. He had almost total access to the most sensitive material, including information about Russians who were secretly working for the U.S. He was in a position to betray more valuable secrets than almost anyone else. And he did. Now veteran Time reporters Ann Blackman and Elaine Shannon reveal the truth about Robert Hanssen and his 15 years of exceptionally destructive espionage. Blackman and Shannon brilliantly explore why Hanssen decided to betray his family, his church and his country, and how he got away with it. And they reveal the vast extent of Hanssen"s damage and why his actions shattered the confidence of a proud and mighty FBI.