Good Housekeeping Step-By-Step Great Desserts

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780688170233

Brand Hearst Books

For kids of all ages, dessert is the favorite course of the meal. And yet, beyond the usual solutions -- ice cream with chocolate sauce, store-bought cakes and cookies -- recipes and techniques for preparing interesting and delicious desserts can seem daunting to the home cook. Here is an irresistible collection of Good Housekeeping"s fabulous step-by-step dessert recipes now available for the first time in a reasonably priced paperback edition.Step-by-Step Great Desserts is an attractive, information-packed cookbook that presents the procedures and techniques of dessert cuisine in easy-to-follow instructions, ensuring foolproof and delicious results. It is packed with "know-how," tips on baking, making pie crusts, cookies, cakes, and candy and more than 200 great recipes for desserts such as Chocolate Fudge Pudding, Apricot Souffli, Double Blueberry Pie, GoldRush Nut Brittle, Gingerbread, Lemon Raspberry Tartlets, and much more. Each book in the series is informed by the high standards of the Good Housekeeping Institute, which tests every recipe three times.