Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit?: Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry & Your Invisible Doppelganger

Price 14.20 - 15.21 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781620061824

Philip uses qualities of dark-matter to unravel the invisible but experientially present "self" in a rational way enabling future quantification in practice and therefore theory. As he elegantly puts it “where matter exists chemistry exists”. Dark-matter gives dark-matter chemistry and a dark-matter body." His methodical and evidential approach including the analysis of emission of biophotons "the light of life" delimits our cognizable limits--the limits rationalism’s hubris ignores to the point of ungrounded myth and myst about mind. Here is reason that does not exploit the mysterious derivation of matter, i.e., life as such. Philip penetrates matter (though constantly aware of our cognizable-predicament) and participates in a healthy, informed cautiousness toward using philosophical reasoning (but only vs. metaphysical rationalism)—an existential attitude made clear in the positive theistic existentialistic works of Karl Jaspers. There’s the leaning toward a reasoning that encompasses and shatters rationalism. While the source of life is implied, he respectfully avoids eye contact and meaning by association with the divine. It’s an extraordinary unifying quiet approach that cannot be reduced to a dimension that excludes occidental historical wisdom. The work presents a friendly unifying natural view in so far as it preserves an open-endedness toward experience. -- Glenn Wood, BSL. MA Researche, Karl Jaspers Applied