Heating Systems, Design Of Hot Water And Steam Heating Apparatus

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408611975

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HEATING SYSTEMS - I913 -PREFACE - THIS work presents the most modern practice in an - im-portant branch of Engineering. It is freely illustrated with a large number of drawings, and some catalogue prints are also included where special drawings would possess little further advantage. I t is not, however, the writers intention to convey the impression that he favours the products of one maker in preference to those of another. A special feature of the book is the large number of Charts that have been prepared, and the method adopted in sizing the pipes of different systems. Attention has been directed rather to the practical than to the theoretical aspects of the work, whilst in the sizing of pipes, the process in a large measure is merely a mechanical one. Consideration is also given to the economical aspect of heating problems, ancl , especially in connection with the heating of works or of industrial buildings. The book is therefore intended for the busy professional or business man, as well as for the use of students. The writer desires to thank all who have assisted either directly or indirectly in the production of the work. - CONTENTS - CHAPTER I GENERAL PAGE Ventilation-Impurity of air-ventilation-Heating sysatier-mOsr g . anic . . po . iso . ns-O . zo . ne-. 3Iec . ha . nica . l . 1 CHAPTER I1 HOT-WATER CIRCULATION Gravity circulation-Circulating head-Velocity of gravity circulation-Dipped or trapped circuits-Irregular circulation-Forced circulation-Accelerated circulation . . . . . . . . . 16 CHAPTER I11 SYSTEMS OF PIPING FOR HOT-WATER GRAVITY APPARATUS One-pipe up-feed systems-Two-pipe systems-Down-feed systems-Accessory apparatus-Joints for copper pipes . 33 CHAPTER IV SJfALL-BORE GRAVITY APPARATUS Systems of piping-Expansion tubes-Medium pressure systems . 48 CHAPTER V ACCELERATED HOT-WATER CIRCULATING SYSTEJIS Heat generators-Various systems . . . . . . . . . . 56 - CHAPTER V1 FORCED HOT-WATER CIRCULATING APPARATUS One-pipe system with loop circuits-Two-pipe systems-Connections of heaters-Plants for high buildings--Duplication of Pumps-Methods of temperature regulation . . . . . . . . . . 69 ... Vlll CONTENTS CHAPTER V11 LOW-PRESSURE LIVE STEAM HEATING SYSTEDIS Heat of steam-Drop of pressure in systemgFalse water lines . . . pip . es-W . at . er . h . amm . er . --G . rav . ity . CHAPTER V111 FITTINGS FOR LOW-PRESSURE STEAM SYSTEMS Pressure reducing valves-Air valves-Steam traps-Return traps-Pump receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER IX EXPANSION OF PIPES Springing pipes-Expansion joint-Expansion bends-Application of tensile strain in jointing . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER X ATJIOSPHERIC SYSTEMS OF STEAM HEATING Differentpipingsystems-Itegulation-Fittingsused . . . . . . CHAPTER XI EXHAUST STEAM HEATING Heat of exhaust steam-Relative cost of exfiaust heating . . . CHAPTER XI1 EXHAUST STEAM HEATING-cdntinued De-oiling processes-Back-pressure valves-Feed-water heaters-Boiler feed pumps-Systems of exhaust heating . . . . . . . . CHAPTER XI11 VACUUM AND VACUO-VAPOUR SYSTERIS OF STEAM HEATING Merits and limitations-Various systems, and their special features . ...