The "Telegraph" Guide to Commuter-land
Following each of the railway lines that radiate from the capital"s main stations, The Daily Telegraph Guide to Commuterland discusses house prices, developments and changes within commuter communities in reach of London. More than 1,200 towns and villages in southern England are described, from Frinton and Ipswich in the east to Bristol and Bath in the west. In each case there is a summary of the types of property to be found, details of how much you can expect to spend to buy one, and a succinct, easy-to-use breakdown of the pros and cons of each option in terms of local facilities, amenities and social make-up. Forget estate agents: Commuterland is a godsend for house-hunters. Now you can narrow down your search to focus on the areas most likely to meet your needs without ever leaving the comfort of an armchair.