Intermediate Algebra [Book + CD]

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780536995346

Includes test prep on CD to help students prepare for tests and use their study time more efficiently. Step-by-step soluitions are included for every problem in the Chapter Tests (now captioned in English and Spanish).Intermediate Algebra was written to provide a solid foundation in algebra for students who might not have had previous experience in algebra. Specific care has been taken to ensure that students have help to succeed in nonmathematical courses that require a grasp of algebraic fundamentals. The basic concepts of graphing and functions are introducted early, and problem solving techniques, real-data applications, data interpretation, appropriate use of technology, mentalmathematics, number sense, critical thinking, decision making, and geometric concepts are emphasized and integrated throughout the book. (This is the Custom Edition for Ventura College.)Included tools to help students succeed: - definitions and concepts explained for each chapter - well-crafted exercise sets - study skills builders - the bigger picture - examples - helpful hints - practice exercises - integrated review - vocabulary and readiness check - chapter highlights - chapter test - practice final exam