The Birth of a New Agriculture: Koberwitz 1924

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781902636078

In 1924 at Koberwitz -- the estate of Count and Countess Keyserlingk -- Rudolf Steiner gave a course of key lectures on agriculture. At a time when industrial methods were being introduced into farming, Rudolf Steiner"s evolutionary vision was radically different. today his "biodynamic agriculture" -- based on a comprehensive picture of the dynamic relationships at work in nature -- is widely varied and used around the world.In addition to the lively and entertaining accounts of the agricultural course held at Koberwitz, this extraordinary book features Countess Keyserlingk"s memories of her contact with Rudolf Steiner. Steiner told the clairvoyant Countess that she had a consciousness which would be usual "in the third millennium," and her reminiscences reflect this uncommon quality. Also included are essays by the editor, which incorporate rare material such as the communication received by Countess Keyserlingk from Rudolf Steiner after his death.