Tank Girl: The Odyssey (Remastered Edition) (Tank Girl (Unnumbered))

Price 11.42 USD

A demented take on Homer’s classical Greek epic, The Odyssey, brought to you by the twisted genius of Peter Milligan (X-Statix) and Tank Girl co-creator and artist, Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz). Booga, Tank Girl’s husband, is being wooed by Hollywood agents but Tank Girl is missing and his resolve is crumbling, fast! Tele, their TV-headed son, sets out on a mercy dash to find his mother... in the process triggering a chain of events that will see Tank Girl, not only, face death itself, the siren call of Goth rock and a cyclopean hotel proprietor, but also a host of other scenes and characters based on The Odyssey... give or take the odd — ahem — “idiosyncratic” Tank Girl twist. With a new introduction from Alan Martin.