New Testaments: People Who Found Purpose Talk About Their Lives

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780006276555

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This guidebook for the "New Age" is composed of 50 portraits of individuals who have opted out of the "rat race" for a life of discipline and contemplation. Some of them subscribe to the national religion: there are the nuns of Wantage, for instance, and the footsoldiers of the Salvation Army. Some represent the other great religions of the world: Buddhist and Hindu monks, Sufi Moslems, Hasidic Jews. Others represent activist communities such as Iona and Corrymeela. Others represent newer or more maverick groups, such as the Gaia Foundation, the Findhorn Community and Transcendental Meditation. In each case the author has interviewed an individual to whom the community they have entered might not have seemed a natural choice. The motivation behind their vocation is revealed and the degree to which they feel they have benefited.