Jenny Craig"s What Have You Got to Lose?: A Personalized Weight-Management Program
Jenny Craig cares about your success! She wants you to turn your weight goals into a lifelong program for healthful living. That’s why she has created this personalized weight-management program just for you—to help you be victorious! Jenny Craig’s What Have You Got to Lose? is a very special book. Inside you learn how to take charge of your weight by designing winning strategies and setting achievable goals for yourself. Jenny even includes 50 recipes that are nutritious, slimming, and delicious, to make your weight-loss and weight-maintenance journey more enjoyable. About the Authors Jenny Craig became involved in the weight-loss industry in 1959 after facing a challenging weight problem of her own. She and her husband, Sid, run Jenny Craig International, a company they founded in 1983 and which now has over six hundred weight-loss centers throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. She is a member of the board of the International Women"s Forum and of the board of trustees of the University of California at San Diego. She and her husband reside in Del Mar, California, and have five children between them, four of whom own Jenny Craig Franchises. Brenda L. Wolfe first became interested in the field of obesity while earning her psychology degree from McGill University. She went on to specialize in weight management during graduate studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where she earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology. She is currently director of research for Jenny Craig, Inc., and she happily balances marriage and child-rearing with her career by living in Moderation Mountain.