Great Mountain Days in the Lake District: 50 Great Routes
Price 23.70 - 24.12 USD
This fourth book in the Backpacker"s Britain series takes trekkers, backpackers (and fellrunners) on a thorough exploration of the Central and Southern Highlands of Scotland with all its wild mountains, rocky coasts and long, winding glens. It offers a range of trekking routes from a superb traverse of all the 4000ft. peaks, to classic through-routes in the Cairngorms and many weekend circuits over the highest peaks in Britain - all within a couple of hours" drive of Edinburgh or Glasgow. Packed with information, this guide is all you need to plan your next wilderness trip. It includes 30 multi-day backpacking routes, ranging from 7 days in length down to 2 (or perhaps 1 for very fit walkers and fellrunners) in all the main mountain regions south of the Great Glen, including the Monadhliath, Cairngorms, Nevis range, Mamores, Glen Lyon Hills and Arrochar Alps. Each route is accompanied with full information about how to get there, accommodation at the start, campsites, bothies and hostels along the way and also contact details for the tourist information offices.