The Legends of Genesis: The Biblical Saga & History

Price 16.37 - 19.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592442362

Book Description: The Legends of Genesis looks between the lines and throughout history in a very good attempt to explain the first book of the Bible.Table of Contents: Publisher’s Preface; The Significance And Scope Of The Legends.; The Varieties Of Legends In Genesis.; The Literary Form Of The Legends.; History Of The Development Of The Legends Of Genesis In Oral Tradition.; Jahvist, Elohist, Jehovist, The Later Collections.; Priestly Codex And Final Redaction.; EndnotesAbout the Publisher: Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, Esoteric and Mythology. www.forgottenbooks.orgForgotten Books is about sharing information, not about making money. All books are priced at wholesale prices. We are also the only publisher we know of to print in large sans-serif font, which is proven to make the text easier to read and put less strain on your eyes.