Reclaiming a Lost Heritage: Land Grant & Other Higher Education Initiatives for the Twenty-first Century
Price 22.97 USD
Land-grant and other higher education is the focus of Reclaiming a Lost Heritage; the value of —indeed, the necessity for— education in a society that embraces democracy and free enterprise. With public support of higher education on the wane, this book revisits the past and examines the longstanding mandate that has for over a century served as the guiding compass for land-grant institutions’ unwavering commitment to serve the fundamental needs of each and every citizen. John Campbell evaluates significant developments, as well as exciting opportunities, for revitalizing the land-grant university system to serve the public responsively and responsibly. He issues a clarion challenge to this nation’s political leaders to return to the fundamental tenets that have always buttressed the land-grant system, as we continue fulfill the rational initiatives for higher education prescribed for the twenty-first century.