React: CIA Black Ops
When John F. Kennedy was asked what he thought about media criticism of the CIA the president retorted: "The triumphs are unheralded, its failures trumpeted." Succeeding presidents echoed similar sentiments about negative media reports. REACT: CIA BLACK OPS corrects this news imbalance. In previously undisclosed accounts of the dark side of U.S. intelligence, covert field operatives tell about CIA successes against terrorists and communists during the last twenty-five years of the Cold War. Among the successes of these unsung covert operatives was the Black Op against the Islamic terrorist cell responsible for bombing the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983; also, the Black Op that terminated the terrorists who placed the fatal bomb aboard Pam Am flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. During the context of the Cold War, the twenty-two Black Ops related here were Deemed necessary and in accord with the purpose of REACT: "To maintain the national order by Direct Action."