Biblical Perspective (Kingdom Agenda Bible Study (Leader"s Guides))
Dear Friend, Welcome to the Kingdom Agenda discipleship curriculum. It is my hope that God will use this study to educate and inspire you in your walk with Him. As you develop in your spiritual life through this study and apply it to the other Kingdom institutions of family, church and community, I think you will find yourself entering into a whole new realm of spiritual life and see how the Kingdom perspective applies to all of life. Our national ministry, The Urban Alternative (TUA) has a number of video resources to help you further understand and appropriate the principles learned in this study. Call TUA and ask for a complimentary copy of our resource catalogue and monthly devotional magazine. Our toll free number is 1-800-800-3222. May God use this study to transform your life and equip you to live all of life by the Kingdom Agenda. --Dr. Tony Evans and nbsp;