Beneath the Diamond Sky

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781594481048

Shaded with an intriguing psychological ambiguity, Christopher Wakling"s genuinely disturbing debut The Immortal Part drove the literary thriller in an unnerving new direction. Now he lends his talents to a new novel about the menacing reality that awaits a group of travelers far from home. Kate Cox and Ethan Hughes have left their routine jobs in London to join the backpacking culture in the foothills of the Himalayas. When they are suddenly kidnapped by Muslim terrorists, the hikers become hostages in an unknown world, at the mercy of violent extremists they can"t understand and an unyielding ideology they can"t hope to survive. Beautifully conceived, genuinely moving, and breathtakingly suspenseful, Beneath the Diamond Sky is at once a cautionary tale of the mortal risks of escaping reality, an ambitiously terrifying adventure novel, and a provocative political thriller like no other.