Our Psychic Potentials

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780136443117

Parapsychologists have uncovered irrefutable evidence that psychic abilities - including telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis - exist. But they are not "gifts" in any sense of the word. They are potentials. And as potentials, they are something we all inherently possess and can develop. The only problem is: how can we tap and use these abilities reliably? In Our Psychic Potentials, D. Scott Rogo presents some very specific strategies - some known about for hundreds of years, others recently discovered - for accessing our psychic potentials. These psychic development techniques involve dreaming, mental imagery, relaxation, suggestion, and feedback. Called "open minded," "frank," and "refreshing" by readers, this step-by-step guide to self-testing and psychic training also examines the scientific evidence that our psychic abilities can indeed be developed and used on demand. D. Scott Rogo (1950-1990) was one of the most widely respected writer-journalists covering the field of parapsychology, as well as an active scientific investigator. Educated at the University of Cincinnati and San Fernando Valley State College, Rogo held a unique position in parapsychology and made many contributions to the field that deserve recognition. He served as a visiting researcher at the Psychical Research Foundation, then in Durham, North Carolina, and at the Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics of the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. He published papers on ESP in referred parapsychological journals and was active in field investigations of hauntings and poltergeists. Rogo was also a leading authority on the history of psychical research; the breadth of his historical knowledge of the field was unsurpassed. Over the course of more than two-dozen published books, Rogo sought to broaden the range of topics worthy of paranormal research.