Surviving Duplicate Bridge: The First 23.69 Points

An Honors Book from Master Point Press Bridge partnerships can be fun. We all know that. Of course, they can also be difficult, maddening, disappointing, and frustrating. We all know that, too. But when the players of these partnerships are also spouses - well that"s when things can get downright tricky - and only some of us know that. In this book, Kathleen Vishner shares with you the highs and lows of learning duplicate bridge while partnering with her ever-patient husband, Andy. Follow his attempts to teach her the game himself (not a good idea) and share the emotion that somehow escaped his notice when Kathy played her very first game. Come on along and experience again for yourself the initial shock of a penalty double or the bewilderment at the sheer number of rules that can be unwittingly broken. Peek behind the scenes to see the workings of some fabulous bridge clubs, and get the inside scoop on what directors really think of "slow play." And for you teachers out there - helpful "Hints" throughout the book will remind you of the beginner"s mindset and suggest techniques to help students learn and become more comfortable with the game. Many illustrative bridge hands pinpoint typical areas of confusion and explain the reasoning behind the many misunderstandings of a less experienced player. This book tells a delightful story, always punctuated with humor, and one that can be appreciated by bridge players of all experience levels. So take off your shoes, put up your feet, and enjoy the read. KATHLEEN VISHNER (Arizona) received her degree in Philosophy and was fortunate to be hired at the local Whataburger. Finding advancement opportunities limited (and rent monies short), she reluctantly changed career paths and became-of all things-a Certified Public Accountant. Thousands of business reports and countless financial statements later, Kathy gleefully retired and now spends time in more whimsical pursuits-like learning bridge. She lives in Green Valley, Arizona with her husband, Andy, and their two perfect cats, Bob and Annabelle.