War Baby! The U.S. Caliber .30 Carbine, Vol. 2
The most popular US military small arm in history. Contents include the Carbine in War and Peace, 1942 - 1992; US battle honors in WWII and Korea; other military users of the US carbine; the carbine "for friend and foe alike" in Vietnam. Postwar military parts manufacture; alternate methods of production; the return of surplus military M1s from afar; US military accessories, ancillaries and ammunition since 1940; other military and sporting arms in .30 carbine caliber. Plus, the first official guide to "Neverneverland", where carbines in various models and calibers never dreamed of by the military are outdone only by the bewildering array of aftermarket accessories, some of which can still give pause even to the experts. Provides positive identification as genuine US military, offshore military, or aftermarket commercial.