The Works of Thomas Jefferson; Volume VI

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408621141

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The Works of Thomas Jefferson Collected and Edited - 1904 - CONTENTS OF VOLUME V1 -- TO JAMES MADISON, SEPTEMB ER T H . Right to bind succeeding generations-Perpetual debts. TO WILLIAM CA RMICHAEL S , E PTEMBE I2 R T H American news-Extra expenses. To RALPH IZ ARD, SEPTEMBE I R T H . Rice--Olives. To THE SECRETAR FO Y R FOREIG A N FF AIRS, SEPTEMBER 3 0 . Return to America-West Indies-Wheat famine-American salt meats. To JAMES RUMSEY, OCTOBER I T H . Steam mills-Steam navigation. T O WILLIAMSH ORT, NOVEMBER 2 IST . Ocean voyage. To THE SECRETAR FO Y R FOREIG A N F FAIRS, N OVEMBER 2 3 . . Arrival in America-Deanes books. To WILLIAM SH ORT, DECEMBE I R 4T H . . . Virginian news - Henry - Richmond - Federal ap pointments - Salaries - Jefferson nominated Secretary of State. ISTH . Appointment as Secretary of State-Preference for French mission. iii iv Contents of Volume V1 To THE REV. CHARLES CLAY, J ANUARY 2 7 . Uncertainty of Jeffersons future--Election for Con gress. To THE PRESIDE O N F T T HE UNITED S TATES F , E BRUARY I T H . Accepting Secretaryship of State--Delay in leaving for New York. To JOHN JAY, FEBRUAR I Y T H . . Clerks in foreign office. To NICHOLAS A ND JACOB VAN STAPHORS A T ND HUB BARD, FEBRUAR 2 Y 8 Private loan-Jeff ersons property. To THE MAYOR O F ALEXANDRIA M , ARCH I ITH . Thanks for congratulations-Commerce-Republican government. To WILLIAM SH ORT M , A RCH I PTH . . . European news-Acceptance of office. To THOMA M S A NNR ANDOLPMHA, R CH 2 8 . Trip from Virginia-House in New York-French news-Assumption of state debts. OPINION ON COMMUNICATIO T N O S C ONGRESS A , PRIL I ST . T O THE MARQUIS D E LAFAYETT A E P , R IL 2D . Acceptance of office-Washingtons health-Anti-federalism. T O MADAME L A DUCHESS D E AUVILLE A , PRIL 2D . Preference for French mission--Goodness of French people To THE UNITED S TATE C S H ARGED AFFAIRES IN SPAIN, APRIL IITH . Case of Gonzalez. To FRANC W IS I LLIS, A PRIL I T H . . Patronage. To THOMAMSA NN RANDOLP A H P , R IL I T H . . . Foreign news-Meteorology. OPINION O N THE POWER O S F THE SENATE A , P RIL 2 4 . Negatives on grades of appointments. Contents of Volume V1 To COLONE H L ENR L Y E E, A PRIL 2 6 . . Patronage-Assumption. To WILLIAM S HORT A , P RIL 2 7 American news-Diplomatic establishment. To WILLIAMS HORT M , AY 27TH . Headache-Presidents illness--Commercial discrimination-Virginian news. To THOMA M S A NN R ANDOLPMHA, Y O T H . Nuts--Coal-Meteorology-Law studies-Books-Assurnption-Tonnage Bill. T O WILLIAMSH ORT JU , NE T H . . . President S health-Removal of Congress-Rhode Island. To JOHN GARLAN J D EF PERSON, JUNE IITH . Poorness of government positions-Laws-Course of reading. To GEORGE M ASON, J UNE I T H . Further amendment of Constitution-Removal of capi t al-Assumption. TO THOMA S A N RA N N DOLP JU H N , E 20TH . Removal to Albemarle--Capital-Assumption-Euro pean news. T O JAMES MONROE, JUNE 20TH . Capit al-Assumption. TO C. W. F. DUMAS JU , NE 23D . American credit-Debts. To DR. DAVID R AMSA J Y U , N E 2 7 . . . Capit al-Assumption---Compromise. T O FRANC E I P S P ES, J ULY 4TH . Capital-Assumption-War between Spain and Greab Britain. Contents of Volume V1 To JAMES MONROE, JULY IITEI . Capital-Funding of debt-Spain and Great Britain-Amold-American policy. OPINION O N WAR B ETWEEN GREAT B RITAIN A ND SPAIN, JULY I2TH . To C. W. F. DUMAS J , U LY I T H . Debts. To THE PRESIDEN OF T T HE UNITED S TATES JU , LY ISTH Right of Congress to remove itself. To WILLIAM T EMPLFER ANKL J I U N L , Y I T H Removal of Congress-House in Philadelphia. T O FRANCEISP PES J , U LY 25TH . . Rosss accounts-Assumption...