Winnie at The Seaside

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780192791993

Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast. Winnie makes a beeline for the sea to cool down. Wilbur makes a beeline for anywhere other than the sea - he hates water, and can"t bear getting wet. To avoid all the other, numerous, holiday-makers, Winnie puts down her towel, and sets up her beach umbrella, further down than the beach than anyone else - and clearly below the tide line. Of course, the tide gradually starts coming in. When the waves swoosh over Winnie"s belongings and carry away her broomstick, she attempts a spell to get it back - but it doesn"t really go according to plan and inevitably it"s poor Wilbur who gets the worst of things...