The Second Coming of Jesus - Think Again: A Call to Biblical Theology
Price 70.37 - 172.78 USD
The overarching theme of this book is that the Second Coming of Jesus happened in AD 72, and that therefore Jesus is not coming again to rapture the church. The book lays out a thorough exploration in support of this theme. Daniel"s prophecies are foundational, especially his prophecy of the Seventy Weeks in Dan. 9:24-27 and his prophecy of four sequential Fertile-Crescent, Mediterranean empires (see Dan. 7). The Fourth Empire, or the Roman Empire, is the key to understanding my theme, with stress on the meaning of the horns on the head of the Fourth Beast (see Dan. 7:7-8). As proof of my theme I use the Biblical code of "two or three witnesses" (see e.g. Deut. 19:15, Matt. 18:16, John 8:17, and I John 5:8). The three witnesses I give are Daniel, Jesus, and the collective apostles, all of whom taught and agreed that Jesus" Second Coming would take place before Jesus" generation passed away (Matt. 24:34). Furthermore, I show how the epistles of the N.T. reflect this theme by citing scores of passages from them for my readers to consider. Finally in Chapter Five of the book and in five appendixes I show how the Book of Revelation, aptly interpreted, fully agrees with this theme.