Medicinal and Aromatic Plants III (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry)

Price 246.01 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780387520988

After the 1988 and 1989 volumes, this is the third volume on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Each of the 29 chapters contributed by international scientists deals with one individual plant genus, namely Atropa, Ageratina, Ailanthus, Aconitum, Apium, Aloe, Akebia, Bidens, Carthamus, Chamomilla, Carum, Citrus, Cymbopogon, Dysosma, Euphorbia, Fritillaria, Glycyrrhiza, Lavandula, Nigella, Pelargonium, Perilla, Podophyllum, Rosa, Scutellaria, Securinega, Solanum, Swertia, Symphytum, Syringa. Their distribution, economic importance, conventional propagation, in-vitro propagation and production of metabolites through tissue culture are treated in detail. Special emphasis is laid on the potential of industrial in-vitro production of plant compounds of medical and pharmaceutical relevance using tissue culture.